Engine Bay Detail Services in Los Angeles
Keep your vehicle’s heart clean.

Whether you’re planning to sell your vehicle, would like to make what’s underneath your hood aesthetically pleasing, or trying to determine where an oil leak is coming from, look no further than an engine bay detail.
Oil and grease can accelerate the wear of rubber hoses and plastic parts, so getting your engine bay detailed may save you money on repairs.
Most used vehicles are thoroughly detailed before put up for sale, so buyers are accustomed to seeing a clean engine when they shop for a used vehicle. A dirty engine on a used car will hurt its interest levels. Certain people get wary of getting their engine bay detailed due to water and electrical mixture concerns – but utilizing the correct tools, knowledge, and experience will avoid any issues.
For this service, we require you combine it with either a Premium Wash or Wash & Wax. This is due to how messy of a job it is to clean the engine bay. When we detail your engine bay, water and oil/grime gets all over your fenders and front end, which takes time to clean up.
Our Engine Bay Detail Process
- Evaluate engine bay: Before we begin, we like to visually examine the engine bay just in case we need to give a part/component special attention.
- Cover delicate areas: Depending on the vehicle, this could be either the alternator, distributor, or simply the battery.
- Apply degreaser and agitate: Utilizing different brushes, this will agitate and remove any stubborn grime off your engine bay.
- Air blow: At this point, we remove any unwanted water lingering around any cracks and crevices.
- Final Step: We’ll apply dressing to any plastic panels to give it the shine and look of a new engine.
- Final Inspection in case we missed an Area or there’s Room for Improvement.
Simple Pricing
Price may vary based on size, condition, and type of engine bay.
Engine Bay Details FAQ
Do you come to me?
We come to you! We bring everything we need with us in order to get the job done. We can perform your engine bay detail at your residence or work location. No need to worry about traffic, determining if you’ll have time to eat while on lunch break, or taking any time off from the things that are important to you.
I would like to find where my oil leak is coming from. Can you clean that up?
If your engine bay is completely covered in oil and/or grease, we won’t be able to work on your engine bay. There’s only so much we can do.
How long does the engine bar detail service take?
It depends on the size and condition, but it typically takes 30 minutes to complete. If your engine bay is completely covered in oil and/or grease however, we won’t be able to work on your engine bay
Are you going to use water on my engine bay?
Yes, but we’re not directing water to a particular place for too long. We’ll apply water from a cautious distance to remove dirt/grime, and make sure to cover any sensitive areas (e.g., alternator, distributor, etc.)